US 2017/0071716 A1 (2016)

Publication number: 
US 2017/0071716 A1
Priority date: 
November 22, 2017
Publication type: 
Filing date: 
April 22, 2016
Application number: 
Publication Date: 
November 22, 2017
Rectum-gripping and advancement apparatus for treatment of rectal prolapse.
US 2017/0071716 A1


A method for treating rectal prolapse, the method comprising: inserting a rectum-gripping and advancement apparatus into a prolapsed rectum via the anus; maneuvering the rectum-gripping and advancement apparatus so that the rectum-gripping and advancement apparatus securely engages the rectum; advancing the rectum-gripping and advancement apparatus distally so as to return the prolapsed rectum to its normal, non-prolapsed State; and securing the rectum to Supporting tissue whereby to retain the rectum in its normal, non-prolapsed state.

Minimally Invasive New Technologies 641 Lexington Avenue (entrance on 54th Street), Floor 25 New York, NY 10022 Phone: (212) 746-9728