Endolumenal Surgical Platform (ESP), US 8,979,884 B2 (2015)

Publication number: 
US 8,979,884 B2
Priority date: 
December 15, 2009
Publication type: 
Filing date: 
December 15, 2010
Application number: 
US 12/969,059
Publication Date: 
March 17, 2015
Also published as: 
Method and apparatus for stabilizing, straightening, expanding and/or flattening the side wall of a body lumen and/or body cavity so as to provide increased visualization of the same and/or increased access to the same, and/or for stabilizing instruments relative to the same
US 8,979,884 B2
US 8.979,884 B2


The present invention comprises the provision and use of a novel endoscopic device which is capable of stabilizing, straightening, expanding and/or flattening the side wall of a body lumen and/or body cavity so as to better present the side wall tissue for examination and/or treatment during an endoscopic procedure. The present invention also comprises the provision and use of a novel endoscopic device capable of steadying and/or stabilizing the distal tips and/or working ends of instruments inserted into a body lumen and/or body cavity, whereby to facilitate the use of those instruments.

Minimally Invasive New Technologies 641 Lexington Avenue (entrance on 54th Street), Floor 25 New York, NY 10022 Phone: (212) 746-9728