Injectable Mold, US 8,932,326 B2 (2015)

Publication number: 
US 8,932,326 B2
Priority date: 
June 10, 2008
Publication type: 
Filing date: 
June 10, 2009
Application number: 
Publication Date: 
January 13, 2015
Also published as: 
Method and apparatus for repairing vascular abnormalities and/or other body lumen abnormalities using an endoluminal approach and a flowable forming material
US 8,932,326 B2


A method for repairing an abnormality in the wall of a body lumen, the method comprising:

  • isolating the abnormality in the wall of the body lumen from flow in the body lumen;
  • positioning flowable forming material adjacent to the abnormality in the wall of the body lumen; and
  • transforming the flowable forming material into a substantially stationary state so as to repair the abnormality in the wall of the body lumen.

Apparatus for repairing an abnormality in the wall of a body lumen, the apparatus comprising:

  • a supply of flowable forming material;
  • zone isolation apparatus for isolating the abnormality in the wall of the body lumen from flow in the body lumen; and
  • positioning apparatus for positioning the flowable forming material adjacent to the abnormality in the wall of the body lumen so as to repair the abnormality in the wall of the body lumen.

Minimally Invasive New Technologies 641 Lexington Avenue (entrance on 54th Street), Floor 25 New York, NY 10022 Phone: (212) 746-9728